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Business Ownership - The American Dream

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Being able to start and run your own business has long been a fundamental element of both American-born citizens and immigrants pursuing the American dream. It’s a way to establish yourself, earn a living, and even establish a legacy for future generations. While business startup can be a bit more complex for immigrants, knowing the right steps can help you position yourself for success.

A company like Expense Register is a great asset in helping you navigate financial issues associated with small business start-up. To help you find your way, we’ve put together the following tips.

Getting Started

One of the first things would-be immigrant business owners should do is to ensure they have the right type of immigration status in place for what they hope to achieve. It can be worthwhile to meet with an immigration attorney to discuss your options. Visa immigration statuses include business, student, and work visas, and you want to be sure you don’t negatively impact your ability to become a naturalized citizen or permanent resident. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service can advise you about applying for an ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. This is an important element of applying for funding should your business plans require it. It will also help ensure you are meeting your tax obligations, as well as taking advantage of eligible deductions when it comes time to file.

Pre-Start-Up Considerations

Much like any U.S. start-up, preplanning will be a key to success. You’ll want to write a business plan that outlines and details all of the elements of your operation. This is a good way to create a business model, evaluate your funding needs, identify your target demographic, and look at finances necessary for successful operations.

Registering your business is another step, as is deciding the type of incorporation status you want to pursue - this is important to protect you from liability. If you intend to hire staff members who are also immigrants, confirm that they have the appropriate type of visa to work legally in your business. Choosing a name for your company, and an associated web domain, is also important, as is securing appropriate insurance, business licensing, and use permits. Your state’s department of business and industry or secretary of state is a good resource for this information.

Address Potential Language Barriers

Immigrants can inadvertently hurt their businesses by not taking into consideration language barriers that might prohibit them from attracting customers. This is critical not only for spoken language but also for creating marketing and advertising materials, which can help attract a wide demographic.

An engaging and easy-to-understand website can be an effective tool for your business. Consider hiring a freelance web designer to aid in this effort. The right job board can connect you with reliable and capable candidates. A freelance web designer hourly rate typically ranges between $15 and $30 per hour. You might also enlist the help of a bilingual marketing professional to help ensure your advertising materials are appropriate for your audience. You may find it beneficial to have some materials developed in more than one language to be sure you are catering to all of the demographics you’re trying to reach.

Opening For Business

Once you’ve cleared all of the hurdles and prepared your company for launch, it’s time to open for business! In addition to typical advertising designed to reach your target market, take advantage of your immigration status in terms of outreach to new customers. You might consider joining a chamber of commerce, or other organizations that are representative of your community. Make inroads, provide exceptional customer service, and ask happy customers for referrals. Also, take advantage of services and resources designed to assist small businesses in making their businesses prosper! Microbusiness enterprises and local Small Business Administrations can provide a wealth of information.

Launching a business is an American dream for many people. Do your research, ensure you have all business startup requirements in place and set your plan in motion! If you need assistance with handling the financial elements of your small business operations, visit Expense Register, or reach out via email for additional information.

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