Tax Deductible Expenses

Did you know that expenseRegister can help you decide if an expense is tax deductible? Deductions decrease your taxable income, thus reducing the tax you owe to the government.

expenseRegister already knows about standard business expenses like rent and utility payments. As you enter these expenses, expenseRegister will automatically prompt you to mark these Tax Deductible.

For expenses that are very specific to your practice, expenseRegister learns from your entries to determine if they are tax deductible or not. The first time you type in such an expense, expenseRegister is unable to make any suggestions. However, expenseRegister notes down how you classify the expense. The next time you enter the expense, expenseRegister automatically determines the type of the expense and prompts you to mark it as tax deductible.

This is one example of how expenseRegister can help you make better financial decisions.

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